Hardtours - Hilfe Center
Help Center - Desired location

Help Center - Desired location

Yes, if your requested destination cannot be reached, we will inform you in good time by e-mail. So that we can continue to plan our routes, we will rebook you to an alternative departure point as a precaution. You will then find the relevant information in our e-mail.

You can now decide whether the alternative departure point we have selected is right for you or whether you no longer wish to travel. In this case, canceling your booking would be completely free of charge!

Important: Please respond promptly to our info mail and let us know whether you agree or would like to cancel. If we do not hear from you within the next few days, we will assume that you agree to the alternative departure point.

The following also applies: As soon as you confirm to us in writing that you agree to the alternative departure point, but then have to cancel at short notice, our General Terms and Conditions apply and cancellation costs will be charged.

Please note: If the new departure point was actually more expensive, you will not incur any additional costs. If the new departure point is cheaper, the difference will be credited to your customer account or the amount will be refunded.

Yes, simply click into your customer account:

  • Überblick
  • Nächste Reisen
  • Button bearbeiten
  • Button Buchung komplett stornieren

No, you can't see that in advance. However, you are welcome to contact our support team and ask whether we have already received any requests for your desired location or nearby locations.

After receiving our confirmation and invoice by e-mail, you can cancel free of charge within 48 hours.

No, we cannot guarantee the start from your desired location. The minimum number of 30 participants for the entire route still applies.

  • Example 1: Your desired location is Reutlingen. However, all other bookings come from NRW. Reutlingen therefore unfortunately does not fit on a route and we cannot start there.
  • Example 2: Your desired location is Reutlingen, but you have made a direct request for 25 people. Now there is a very good chance that we can start with a coach in Reutlingen.
  • Example 3: Your desired location is Reutlingen. There are other bookings from Stuttgart, Karlsruhe and Mannheim. So your location fits on a route and we can most likely start in Reutlingen.

We have deliberately decided to only enable the desired location function for a minimum of 5 people, as not every place you can wish for fits on the routes we have planned or is close by. This means that we may have to take a detour. However, if there are 5 or more people, this detour would be feasible with reservations, but we cannot guarantee this in advance!

We will calculate the exact price following your request. However, you can always use the stops in the immediate vicinity of your desired location as a guide.

If you specify a desired location in the booking process, we will treat your booking as a registration. We will check your request and calculate a price for you. You will then receive feedback from us and we will convert your registration into a booking. From the time you receive the confirmation, we grant you a 48-hour special right of termination if, for example, you do not agree with the price. If you agree, you now have 14 days to pay your deposit.

Yes, if you book for at least 5 people, you can specify your preferred location when booking. It is important that a coach can stop, stand and turn around there. A small private driveway is therefore not very suitable. Public and free large parking lots, for example, are better.

The term Wunschort in the booking process means that you have the option of specifying a desired location from which you would like to be picked up for groups of 5 or more. We will then check this and if your desired location fits on one of our routes, we will be happy to pick you and your friends up there.

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Björn Kuiper
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 90
46485 Wesel / Germany
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