{storage id='3', filterBy='id:=:Qlimax'} #foreach($entry in $storage)
Einlass ab
$entry.mindestalter Jahren
This was a Q-Dance Event
Tonight, we sealed a unifying chapter in the history of our longest-running event – Qlimax. Together, we took part in a mystic gathering that defied all expectations. One last ritual to fulfill The Final Prophecy. This night will be remembered for generations to come.
At the turn of the millennium, Qlimax was born. And twenty years ago, the prophecy chose the GelreDome as our sacred temple – never to leave again. Here, evolution leaped forward, and Qlimax became an anchor for the transformation of hardstyle. Every year, a group of dedicated souls aligned to discover the unknown. Along this path, Qlimax transcended our organization in more than one way. As Q-dance, we built the church. The High Priests preached through their music, and you, as Disciples, gave meaning to the temple of hardstyle and all the realms that arose from it. We stand in reverence of you.
With undying devotion, you lived by the ways of Qlimax, and together we have forged a connection within the depths of our spirits. Our gratitude is yours to keep.
Now that the power of The Dark Star is unleashed, the temple makes way for a new reality to emerge. From this day forward, you carry its strength, its balance. Yet, it remains unknown what is hidden in the depths of time...
Disciples, your energy vibrates at a frequency that is destined for eternity. We thank you all for taking this journey with us. This is Qlimax.
$entry.id FAQ
Wo findet die $entry.id statt?
Die $entry.id findet hier statt: $entry.location, $entry.street, $entry.plz $entry.ort, $entry.land
Wann findet die $entry.id statt?
Die $entry.id findet am $entry.datum statt.
$entry.id Anreise
Buche jetzt unsere Bustour zur $entry.id und lass dich klimafreundlich mit dem Bus nach $entry.ort bringen.
Was ist das Mindesalter bei der $entry.id?
Einlass bei der $entry.id ist ab $entry.mindestalter Jahren.
$entry.id Tickets
Bei uns bekommst du garantiert originale $entry.id Tickets. Bitte beachte: $entry.id Tickets gibt es bei uns nur in Verbindung mit einer Bustour.